George Bush Intercontinental Airport Drainage Master Plan

The Houston Airport System (HAS) has a number of capital development projects planned over the next 20 years at George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH). HT&J prepared the Drainage Master Plan Update to mitigate the increased storm runoff and the proposed modifications to the floodplain.

The Airport covers 10,000 acres and includes over 30 open channels (approx. 50 stream miles) and over 100 culverts, which outfall into four Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) watersheds.

HT&J updated the HEC-HMS hydrology of each subbasin and georeferenced each HEC-RAS channel hydraulic model. For each drainage improvement, we utilized reach-routing between the HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS models to ensure convergence. Recommended drainage improvements included widening existing channels, new channels, expanding existing detention ponds, and new detention ponds.

HT&J prepared a mitigation plan that included cost projections and construction sequence recommendations that phased the drainage improvements in-line with the Airport’s nearterm and midterm capital development projects. HT&J coordinated these improvements with HCFCD and the City of Houston’s Floodplain Manager to obtain their no objection.

George Bush Intercontinental Airport Kenswick Drive Extension

Will Clayton Parkway is an east/west, 6-lane roadway, divided by an approximately 205-feet forested median. The existing Kenswick Drive does not connect through Will Clayton Parkway and ties-in as a “T” intersection. This project constructed a new intersection connecting north and south Kenswick Drive through Will Clayton, providing better turning movement and traffic throughput.

HT&J provided the hydrology & hydraulic (H&H) drainage no-impact analysis for the proposed roadway improvements. New storm sewers capture and convey storm runoff from the new intersection to a new detention and mitigation pond in the median and outfall back into the existing westbound storm sewers via gravity flow.

George Bush Intercontinental Airport Taxi Lot Entrance Roadway

The Houston Airport System currently uses a covered parking lot as a staging area for Taxis and Transportation Network Company (TNC) vehicles at the George Bush Intercontinental Airport. The parking lot entrance oftentimes results in long queues along Will Clayton Parkway, waiting to enter. This project constructs a new entrance roadway off of Kenswick Drive. The new roadway provides approximately 1,100-feet of storage for queuing. HT&J provided the drainage analysis and design.